This morning when I swung my feet out from the sheets and onto the floor, I noticed two things almost immediately. There was light coming in through the window and a frenzy of birds were chattering outside. I continued to the door of the bedroom and experienced a rush of memories from my childhood. I used to hate this time of year because the mocking birds in the Chinese elm outside were loud through the night and my Saturday morning slumbers were interrupted by the rays of spring's sun. It's amazing how time, a change of perspective or new hobby can effect our outlook on life and how we view the world around us. I was waking up early today for a surf and the chirping birds and early morning light meant warmer days and more time in the water. We all have our unique loud birds and rays of sunlight in our lives. Maybe if we apply patience in interpretting these annoyances, we can catch a glimpse of the larger picture.
Posted with LifeCast
Haha, you sound just like Stephen. There was a mocking bird that lived in the tree outside his bedroom window and kept him from sleeping in too. He used to throw rocks at it! I'm hoping he's growing out of that one.