Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Why I Won't Change

Because I can't and I don't think God wants me to change. Some discussion with friends at work and on Facebook really has me deep in thought about money and the American lifestyle, which is really just a lifestyle of luxury and exists in almost every country to some degree. I won't change because I don't think God wants me to become Amish or become a recluse, living in the wilderness of the high Sierras. The issue comes down to my place in God's kingdom which is out in the battlefield trying to be a light in this ever increasingly dark darkness. This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine and I can't really shine while I am hidden away somewhere or living a lifestyle so foreign to my surrounding culture that the world ostracizes me. I need to blend in enough to be part of the blur but not to the point of compromising my morals.

Geolocate this post.

Posted with LifeCast

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